Saturday, December 29, 2012

Our December 2012

Oh, how December flew by in a blur! I am not sure what we were thinkin' having 3 boys. They are all active and interested in so many keeps us running. Dallin (13, 8th grade) is doing great in junior high. He plays on the football, basketball, and baseball teams. He also is in band and keeps his grades all A's. He is very tired at the end of the day, needless to say. He is 6 foot tall now and wearing 14-15 in mens shoes. I am scared to think of what we'll be buying when he's a senior! 

Michael (12, 6th grade) is enjoying his last year of elementary school. He has an awesome teacher this year, which is helping. He really pushes those kids to excel. I love watching him stretch and learn. He is still playing drums and even got a drum set for Christmas from his crazy mama and dad. We are very thankful to have a basement:) He is also playing basketball with PeeWees, church, and school.

this is the pinewood truck Michael made with his dad for the unlimited derby the YM had:)

Michael in his band concert...focused

Every year we go to Bellevue for their Snowflake Lane festival. This year was probably our last, though. It was a 2 hour wait to get into the restaurants and the crowds were UNBELIEVABLE! We got separated as a family and it really defeated the whole purpose of going. So, we'll have to find another tradition next year. 

Another tradition is having Dad read the boys a Christmas story every year on Christmas Eve. It is usually a quiet and peaceful night to just relax and focus on the spirit. I love this time!

This is my absolute favorite expression from Christmas day...Oh, Scott!

Scott sneakin' some of Grandma's caramel corn:O

Michael was spoiled by Uncle Mike with these Copics!!! I expect some amazing artwork from that boy!

Dallin and his new shnazzy basketball from Uncle Mike with Grandma Briggs

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

the Boys of Summer

What a fun summer this was with my boys. Scott is 9 this year. He is such a character. I love how willing he is to jump in and get the job done. He has a great personality and loves to find things to smile about :) 
He took my dear friend Katie out to 13 Coins for her birthday. It was his first time in a shnazzy-ish restaurant. He was so polite and carried on quite the conversation. 

One fine day, Uncle Tom and Logan came by to visit our new house. It was just like old times. Football, basketball, animals, laughing, etc. I hid in the background and captured what I could on "film". I sure miss these guys.

Big D. Love how this boy is growing up. He's really becoming such a great young man. He is so focused and goal oriented. 

A few more football pictures:

Living where we do (middle of nowhere) we see all kinds of creatures. I thought I saw a slug. but. it HAD LEGS. Ewwwww. So gross.

In September, my sweetest Michael turned 12. This kid astounds me. He is so caring, creative, and self-motivated. He does his homework/chores first thing without being asked. He is so responsible and kind. He has such a great heart. I hope this world doesn't mar him.

And...Scabooty playing a little ditty for his school's student of the month assembly. He's so brave.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


My children never really got into Disney cartoon movies...they would rather watch old black and white cowboy movies. Michael was asked when he was 4 where he would like to visit..." see Uncle Ben." Since then, I decided to let the boys choose where they want to travel with me when they turn 12. Dal chose Hawaii. Mike chose Texas. I was a little disappointed, but then I started researching it and got really excited. We spent 2 days on the Gulf coast on Padre Island. It was so nice swimming for hours in the WARM water!!! 

Mike boogie-boarding 

Oh,Tyler, that sweet boy, building a sand castle!!

Michael and Uncle Ben findin' shells WAAAAAy out there

Back to the HOtel.
Then, we spent the next three days in San Antonio. We had the BEST BBQ...oh, so scrummy at Rudy's. We also went exploring at the Natural Bridge Caverns. It was the most amazing thing I have seen. We were the only two on the tour, so it was pretty amazing.

I like thparklies.

This was called "bacon" drapery

And, of course, the Alamo!!!

Michael Baroney is TWELVE!

My sweet Michael has another year under his belt. I love this kid so much!! He is so kind and loving. It's hard to believe boys can be this way. He is also very creative. He loves drawing, building, makin', etc. I love seeing what he comes up with. Aaaaand, he still loves yellow. 

Michael and Nana

Kia stealin' Sixta's food:)


Sharon wearing the jewelry Mike made for her...what a sweetie he is!

Fire PIT!!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

numba' 61 RainDEVIL

Here we are in football season. Tom is so excited to be an assistant coach this year over the offensive line. He loves teaching the boys. It's been a rough go. They look so much better this year, though. Cedar's 7th grade team was undefeated last year, but I think they'll have to fight harder this year as a JV team. Dallin is' boy!!

Schemin' with Dad and Moppins

Perfect pop block to make Dad proud:)

About Me

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I am a mom to three wonderful boys. My DH worked hard to allow me to stay home and raise these lil' guys for almost 11 years. I am now working at a local hospital as an inpatient pharmacy technician. This is a new adventure for me. I hope I can balance everything out. In my "spare" time, I love to scrapbook the memories we are making.